Texas is reopening shopping malls and cinemas but we’re staying safe, continuing to broadcast from home.
This week, we’ve got another 90 minutes of great Canadian tunes, some of which were selected by our radio apprentice John the Canuck. Tune in to hear artists like All of Your Friends, Arkells, Austra, Cartoon Lizard, Charlotte Cornfield, Dizzy, The Drew Thomson Foundation, Hollerado, Joel Plaskett, Little Junior, Men I Trust, MUNYA, Single Mothers, Terra Lightfoot, TOPS, and U.S. Girls!
Isolate yourself in a room with your radio and join Justin the Canuck for 90 minutes of independent Canadian music, airing today at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!