SXSW 2015: Canada’s almost here!

UPDATE: The latest schedules and calendars are now at SXSW 2015: Canada has arrived!

SXSW 2015It’s almost time! Beginning in just one week, more than 112 Canadian artists will descend upon Austin for this year’s South By Southwest Music Festival.

Let’s say that again: 112 artists. Along with at least nine Canadian day parties, more than 164 official Canadian showcases, and one epic barbecue.

The numbers can be overwhelming—but, figuring out which bands to catch doesn’t need to be. We’ve created several tools to help you make the most of your week in Austin:

Don’t forget to tune in to This Great White North this Friday and next for special SXSW coverage and playlists featuring many of the independent Canadian artists coming to South By Southwest. We broadcast live from Austin on KOOP 91.7 FM, every Friday at 4:30 PM Central. If you’re not in Austin, listen to us online at

10 must-see Canadians at SXSW

Do512 Banner 2015

We recently provided Austin-based events and culture site Do512 with our list of 10 must-see Canadian acts at this year’s South By Southwest festival. Who are these illustrious Canucks?

  • Rah Rah
  • Lowell
  • Jeff Stuart and The Hearts
  • Pomo
  • Solids
  • The Acorn
  • July Talk
  • New Hands
  • Reuben and The Dark

Check out the article, complete with our previews and embedded videos, at Do512.

Friday: SXSW recap, Kid Koala tix giveaway

Tune in to This Great White North this Friday at 4:30 PM for our once-a-year SXSW recap show! We’ll be discussing this year’s best SXSW performances, the new favorite Canadian acts and tracks we discovered, and just how generally delightful the Canadian scene was at last week’s South By Southwest Music festival. We’ll be featuring artists like Royal Canoe, We Are the City, Tough Age, JP Hoe, Grand Analog, and many more!

Plus, we’ll be giving away a pair of tickets to see Kid Koala when he performs in Austin next week! You must listen to win!

Royal Canoe at Friends Bar. Photo by Tim Aarons.
Royal Canoe at Friends Bar. Photo by Tim Aarons.

Join us every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for the best in independent Canadian music, broadcasting from beautiful Austin, Texas on KOOP 91.7 FM and worldwide at

Today: Mise en Scene live in studio!

Mise en SceneBe sure to tune in today at 4:30 PM to This Great White North, where we’ll be featuring a very special 90-minute South By Southwest edition on this, the second-to-last day of the world’s largest music festival.

We’ll have special guests Mise en Scene, the Winnipeg-based duo of Stefanie Blondal Johnson and Jodi Dunlop, in our studios for an interview and live performance. Don’t miss it!

Join us every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for the best in independent Canadian music, broadcasting from beautiful Austin, Texas on KOOP 91.7 FM and worldwide at