Playlist: 2019-06-14

Doug the Canuck hosted the show.

4:32Sally MaeThe RejectersThe Rejecters
4:35Yea Yea YeaSeven Story RedheadSeven Story Redhead
4:40Everyone Wants to Lose ControlTranzmitorsTranzmitorsDeranged
4:45Wish Upon a SatelliteSloan12Yep Roc
4:54Tournament of HeartsThe WeakerthansReunion TourEpitaph
4:58Walking on AyrLab CoastWalking on AyrMammoth Cave
5:03Change Your MindNeil Young & Crazy HorseSleeps With AngelsReprise
5:18The SoundHuman HighwayMoody MotorcycleSecret City
5:20Back Into ItIslandsShould I Remain Here at Sea?Manque
5:25Something OnThe Tragically HipPhantom PowerUniversal Canada
5:34ColumboDumbClub NitesMint
5:37Dog DaysThe Sick ThingsSick Things
5:42HealWeedDeserveCouple Skate
5:45Big Trouble at the Renaissance FaireMBPArt CrimeRectangle
5:48Ode to SubterraniaHooded FangGravezFull Time Hobby
5:57AtmosphereThe Pink MountaintopsThe Pink MountaintopsScratch