Playlist: 2017-07-28

Justin the Canuck hosted the show.

4:32Made Up My MindThat’s the SpiritStaying PlacesAntique Room
4:36ColoursEmily In the HeadlightsThe Deep End
4:41If I Were a PortalEvening HymnsQuiet EnergiesOutside Music
4:45QuartersLost CousinsSingle
4:49Willy WonkaRose FargoSingle
4:52CarrouselPeter PeterUne version améliorée de la tristesseAudiogram
4:57Up TopBusty and the BassUncommon GoodIndica
5:03EldoradoNeil YoungFreedomReprise
5:10Beat DownMister HeavenlyBoxing the MoonlightPolyvinyl
5:13Valley BoyWolf ParadeCry Cry CrySub Pop
5:19Lonely HeartRival BoysLife of Worry
5:22Young and OldRival BoysAnimal InstinctsTiny
5:26Some Days I’m Full of SmokeFake BuildingsPrimitive Advertising
5:34DigLouise BurnsYoung MopesLight Organ
5:39LovingLand of TalkLife After YouthSaddle Creek
5:43PrivilegeStarsSingleLast Gang
5:48One of Your FoolsBetrayers12 Songs to Haunt YouYo Ma!
5:50Holy Roller CoasterDead Beat Poet SocietyCitizen Clane Split 7"
5:53The Past Does Not Confront MeGary’s HouseThe Staircase of Wild Introspection
5:57Mirror BoxSilversteinDead ReflectionRise