Who needs a theme? We don’t. On this week’s show, we’re just playing a bunch of (mostly) new Canadian music that spans the genres: from funk to emo, lo-fi garage rock to francophone psychedelia (is that phrancodelia?), and even more in between.
We’ve got a slew of bands never before played on the show, like Dead Beat Poet Society, Emily In the Headlights, Fake Buildings, Gary’s House, and Rose Fargo, plus a listener request for Busty and the Bass. We’ll meander to Montreal for some Peter Peter, then take a listen to upcoming releases by Lost Cousins, Mister Heavenly, and Wolf Parade. Also mixed in will be tracks by Betrayers, Evening Hymns, Land of Talk, Louise Burns, Rival Boys, Silverstein, Stars, and That’s the Spirit. Plus, we’re reaching the end of our Neil Young countdown—this week, we bring you #89 on the list, which comes from 1989’s Freedom.
Join Justin the Canuck today—Friday—at 4:30 PM Central for 90 minutes of Canadian music! Tune in on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, TX and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!