The time has come: SXSW.
This year’s music festival starts early—indeed, some Canadian shows have already passed us by as of this writing—and ends late, with Weed taking the stage Sunday night at midnight. Keeping track of all these shows is a daunting task, but we’re here to help. We’ve sorted through seven days of set lists to find you 97 Canadian artists and 274 Canadian events, and have rolled them all up into easy-to-read, printable, pocket-able PDFs.
This year’s schedule notes which events are official showcases (marked by a plus (+)) and which are unofficial events (marked by a dot (•)). If you see a trophy next to an artist’s name, that means they’re one of our Top 10 Canadians to Watch at SXSW. Shows at Canada House (which, like last year, is at Friends on 6th Street) are marked with a Canadian flag for easy identification. In addition to showcases, our schedules also include panels, presentations, meetups, boat cruises, pool parties, house parties, and even a guacamole competition. We promise, it somehow involves Canada.
Use the links below to download this latest set (v.2) of schedules [PDF]:
Note that both official and unofficial events may require a cover charge, RSVP, or invitation; official events may be accessible by paying a cover, but most will require a wristband or badge. You may need to seek out an artist’s homepage or social media outlets for details about some of the more obscure events, like boat parties, house parties, and pool parties.
The schedules are up-to-date as of Monday at 8:00 PM. If you have additions or corrections, please let us know (see our Contact page); otherwise, we probably will not update these throughout the week.
If you need help figuring out where all these venues are, we’ve got that, too [PDF]:
If you’re at the festival, find us downtown—at least one of us will be there all day, everyday (well… maybe not Sunday). And don’t be shy—hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or by email. We’ll do our best to reply.
Don’t forget to check out our previous SXSW coverage: