Playlist: 2015-03-06

All three Canucks were in the studio with DJ Lippy to continue KOOP’s spring membership drive. We played a request for Tiffany, continued our countdown of the best Neil Young songs, and played many Canadian artists coming to Austin for SXSW 2015.

4:36SirensThe Pack A.D.UnpersonsMint
4:46Long DivisionSuunsSingle
4:48Sentimental DishesPS I Love YouDeath DreamsPaper Bag
4:52Continental ShelfViet CongViet CongJagjaguwar
5:03Tonight's the NightNeil YoungLive RustReprise
5:10Can't See the LightReuben and The DarkFuneral SkyArts & Crafts
5:19Plea from a Cat Named VirtuteThe WeakerthansReconstruction SiteEpitaph
5:23Generation HandclapLibrary VoicesSummer of LustDine Alone
5:28In Came the FloodWintersleepHello HumRoll Call
5:36Heaven (for the Weekend)Single MothersWild Party - EPYeah Right
5:41Call of the WildThe MatinéeSingleLight Organ
5:45The ScoreSamantha Savage SmithTough CookieArts & Crafts
5:53I Need a FriendSmall SinsMood SwingsBoompa
5:59Having an Average WeekendShadowy Men On a Shadowy PlanetSavvy Show StoppersGlass