Playlist: 2014-11-28

Doug the Canuck held the reins in the studio, spinning a post-Thanksgiving playlist.

4:32I Want U 2 Want MePropagandhiHow to Clean EverythingFat Wreck Chords
4:37Tournament of HeartsThe WeakerthansReunion TourEpitaph
4:40Heart of the ContinentJohn K. SamsonProvincialEpitaph
4:48In the BeginningThe StillsWithout FeathersVice
4:54Money City ManiacsSloanNavy BluesMurderecords
5:00PowderfingerNeil YoungLive RustReprise
5:06Home Sweet HomeThe StrumbellasWe Still Move On Dance FloorsSix Shooter
5:09PistolThe StrumbellasMy Father and the HunterFontana
5:13Stand In the WaterWildlifeStrike Hard Young DiamondEasy Tiger
5:18A Beautiful DreamAlden PennerExegesis
5:23I'm Still In the WallDD/MM/YYYYBlack SquareWe Are Busy Bodies
5:26Spiral JettyAbsolutely FreeAbsolutely FreeLefse
5:34The Universe!Do Make Say ThinkYou, You're a History In RustConstellation
5:42See ItCannon Bros.Firecracker/CloudglowDisintegration
5:48Bow and ArrowReuben and The DarkFuneral SkyArts & Crafts
5:51DestroyerYoung GalaxyInvisible RepublicFontana
5:55ArenaSuunsZeroes QCSecretly Canadian