The Boys Are Back

Grayscale photo of Montreal artist Paul Jacobs's face
Montreal artist Paul Jacobs is one of 60+ Canadians in town for SXSW. Image: Cult MTL

First off, an enormous and heartfelt thanks to all the loyal KOOP and TGWN listeners who contributed funds during KOOP’s recent Spring Membership Drive and to those listeners who donate every month as part of KOOP’s Sustainer program. Y’all are wonderful people and I appreciate you and your support for community radio in Austin more than you can imagine!

And now, with our drive wrapped up, the focus turns to South By Southwest! Though the festival is smaller than it’s been in years—certainly, since its last in-real-life incarnation back in 2019—we’ve still got at least 62 Canadians coming to town next week. That’s huge! We can’t fit ’em all on the show this week, but we’ll try… with songs by Ada Lea, Altameda, Begonia, Charlotte Cornfield, Choses Sauvages, Elephant Stone, Ellevator, fanclubwallet, FRANKIIE, The Garrys, jackie, JayWood, Kiwi Jr., Leif Vollebekk, Living Hour, Luna Li, Michael Bernard Fitzgerald, Paul Jacobs, Tallies, TEKE::TEKE, and Whitney Rose.

Join Justin the Canuck Friday at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at!