I recently re-discovered Hotel Mira‘s 2020 album Perfectionism and only now realized how incredibly well-written it is—and I now have an incredible sense of regret that I’ve only played two tracks from it since its release. We’ll correct that this week, plus we’ll spin some Neil Young, who recently took a stand against Spotify and its peddling of vaccine misinformation. Bold move, Neil.
In addition, it’s almost wall-to-wall new releases by artists including Altameda, Bent Roads Tavern, Crystal Eyes, Darling Congress, GRAE, Hollow Graves, Hot Panda, Ivy Gardens, Léonie Gray, Lizzy & The Fanatics, Matt MacNeil, OMBIIGIZI, Partner, PUP, Ryan Bourne, Said the Whale, Sam Jr., Sham Family, Skinny Dyck, and Trevor Howlett!
Join Justin the Canuck Friday at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!