I’m On Fire

We took in what might be a record haul for the show last week—but that’s no reason to rest on our laurels! Today’s show is your last chance to contribute during KOOP’s Fall Membership Drive so, if you haven’t already, pull yourself away from all the incredible Canadian tunes and either pick up the phone or hit up our website to pledge your financial support to KOOP Radio!

In between telling you about all the reasons why community radio in Austin depends on YOUR support, we’ll be spinning some killer tracks by Arcade Fire, Buck 65, Eight and a Half, Federal Lights, Fine Times, Graham Wright, Grand Analog, HONHEEHONHEE, The I Spies, Jenn Grant, Katie Tupper, Kestrels, Lisa LeBlanc, Papermaps, Said the Whale, Still Life Still, Sunset Rubdown, Super Plage, and Winter Gloves.

Join Justin the Canuck today at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!