So much new music. So many different genres. How to fit it all into one cohesive show? The answer: you don’t. Instead, this week, we’re embracing the chaos of songs that maybe don’t flow perfectly from one to the next, just because we have so much great music to cram into our limited time!
We’re all over the (Canadian) map this week, with 100% brand new tunes by artists including Aasiva, Art d’Ecco, Boy Golden, Braids, Century Egg, Ellis, Fog Lake, Hippie Hourrah, JayWood, Laurence-Anne, Left Field Messiah, LUMIÈRE, OXLIP, Pillea, Ruth B., STACEY, TEKE::TEKE, TOVI, Wasting Time, and Whitehorse!
Join Justin the Canuck today at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!