Sandwiched between the Austin heat waves, we’ve felt some autumnal breezes on our still-short sleeved arms. Could this be the season of change we’ve been waiting for?
No idea. But, at least one band we’re playing today can feel the transition. We’ve got 15—count ’em!—new tracks for y’all this week, including some of the latest releases from north of the border and a ton of bands we’ve never played before. The roster this week includes The Beaches, Cœur de pirate, The Dirty Nil, Fuss, Good Kid, Huge Cosmic, Loose Fang, Meg Warren, New Design, Ocie Elliott, Purity Ring, Seaway, Terra Lightfoot, Terrorista, and The Zolas.
Join Justin the Canuck today at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and broadcasting to the world at KOOP.org!