Playlists: 2020-05-29 and 2020-05-22

Due to a technical issue, the first half-hour of our May 22 and May 29 shows failed to air. The remaining 60 minutes, however, did air at 5:00 PM. Justin the Canuck hosted the shows, recorded in his home studio during the temporary closure of KOOP’s studios. The playlists were identical for both weeks.

5:02Bombs AwayThe ZolasLight Organ
5:05Ancient MarsThe ZolasAncient MarsLight Organ
5:09Take Me All the WayThe ElwinsPink Eye
5:13How Can You Hurt MeKandle
5:17Waist DownAdalineDear Illusion
5:23HalfwayMoscow Apartment
5:26I Want to Move In to Your HouseJordan KlassenTell Me What to Do
5:31Left OffWild RiversSongs to Break Up ToNettwerk
5:34LosingLittle KidTransfiguration HighwaySolitaire
5:39Mourning DoveJon MckielBobby Joe HopeYou've Changed
5:44EgoLost in Japan
5:48Coast to CoastOnly August
5:51Tennis (I Feel OK)Gum CountrySomewhereKingfisher Bluez
5:55Shut InBeautsDallianceLHM

If you’re curious, here are the tracks that were supposed to air in that first half-hour:

This City's a MessSaid The WhaleHowe Sounds / Taking AbaloniaUpper Management
Last Tree StandingSaid The WhaleHowe Sounds / Taking AbaloniaUpper Management
Saint CeciliaThe Barr BrothersRed Moth Solar CompanionSecret City
To Some It Comes EasyGentleman RegJet BlackArts & Crafts
It's Not SafeGentleman RegDarby and JoanThree Gut
Sixteen StaresAidan KnightAidan KnightNext Door
HoneydewHey Ocean!Pop Machine