Support Austin’s community radio

Today’s show marks the second and final episode of This Great White North during KOOP’s Fall Membership Drive, which means that we need your support to keep Austin’s premier community radio station strong! Justin and Joe the Canucks will be in the studio along with DJ AsuraSunil, bringing you some of the biggest anthems in Canadian indie music and seeking your contribution towards KOOP Radio, which is now in its 25th year of broadcasting the voices and sounds of Austin.

We’ll have three pairs of passes to see Montreal’s Ada Lea, who’ll be opening for Methyl Ethyl next Friday night, indoors at Stubb’s. We’ll also be announcing the winner of KOOP’s drawing for a pair of ACL Festival passes during the show!

Be sure to tune in at 4:30 PM Central on KOOP Radio, 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas and online, worldwide, at to pledge your support!