Playlist: 2018-01-26

Doug the Canuck hosted the show.

4:32Last Will & TestamentPropagandhiSupporting CasteSmallman
4:38DefeatedThe Reckless HeroesLosing Faith in EverythingBlackstream
4:41That SongBig WreckIn Loving Memory of…Atlantic
4:46Of All the Things I've Lost, I Miss You the MostThe Rock BandMaking Matters WorseSalad Dressing
4:53Face of the EarthJoel Plaskett EmergencyAshtray RockMapleMusic
4:57Runners In the NightThe Rural Alberta AdvantageMended With GoldSaddle Creek
5:04After the GoldrushNeil YoungAfter the GoldrushReprise
5:08In a World Possessed by the Human MindThe Tragically HipMan Machine PoemUniversal
5:12This Heart's on FireWolf ParadeApologies to the Queen MarySub Pop
5:16Cave-o-sapienWolf ParadeExpo 86Sub Pop
5:25Baby BlueWolf ParadeCry Cry CrySub Pop
5:31Fine Young CannibalsWolf ParadeAt Mount ZoomerSub Pop
5:42Creature ComfortArcade FireEverything NowSonovox
5:47Canadian Lover / Falcon's EscapeDestroyerThiefMerge
5:50ChangesThe BattlesTomorrow's Eager HandsSoft Abuse
5:53AstronautLab CoastWalking on AyrMammoth Cave
5:56See ItCannon Bros.Firecracker/CloudglowDisintegration