Playlist: 2016-09-09

Both Canucks were joined in the studio by DJ Lippy to finish our last show of KOOP’s fall membership drive.

4:35Girl PoliceThe DudesBlood Guts Bruises CutsLOAD
4:39Through & Through & ThroughJoel PlaskettThreeMapleMusic
4:43SaskatoonPS I Love YouDeath DreamsPaper Bag
4:54Laugh It OffTwin RiverShould the Light Go OutLight Organ
4:56SubliminalHeaven for RealKill Your MemoryMint
5:04StringmanNeil YoungUnpluggedReprise
5:10The Jig Is UpCraic the LensThe Cannon
5:17Lonely LifeTunsTunsRoyal Mountain
5:20Karate ManThe Super FriendzSticktoitivenessMarch Records
5:23MatterhornThe InbredsHilarioPF Records
5:31You Can’t Help ItDevon Sproule & Mike O’NeillColoursTin Angel
5:35Something Evil AgainCookie DusterWhen Flying Was EasySQE Music
5:44False TeethSteve Adamyk BandGracelandDirtnap
5:47If This Tour Doesn't Kill You, I WillPUPThe Dream Is OverSideOneDummy
5:51Detroit ’67Sam RobertsLove At the End of the WorldUniversal Canada