Playlist: 2016-05-20

Justin the Canuck hosted the show.

4:32Push + PullJuly TalkSingleSleepless
4:35Love Loves to Love LoveThe Most Serene RepublicMediacFontana North
4:39KintsukuroiHey Rosetta!Second SightSonic
4:43HowlAdam Hanney & Co.12/12
4:48Away from HereLab CoastRemember the MoonWyatt
4:50Hanging from the CeilingThe VelveteinsA Hot Second with The VelveteinsFierce Panda
4:55School NightGraftBare Light
4:58In and Out of StyleGay NinetiesLiberal GuiltFontana North
5:04Harvest MoonNeil YoungHarvest MoonReprise
5:11Swim for the LightBankruptcyFor the Future1.7 Publications
5:20Triple Letter ScoreShotgun JimmieField of TrampolinesYou've Changed
5:22King and CountryHuronHuronLatent
5:27CrossesThe Got to Get GotSahaleeNoyes
5:34Private SchoolArkellsMorning ReportLast Gang
5:37Hey JudasFine TimesFine TimesLight Organ
5:41Second SummerPowersPowers EP
5:48Private WarsGrand Theft BusMade UpwardsForward Music
5:51BooksMacleanHang This On Your Wall
5:56First Dog In SpaceThe Legendary DirtbikersSingle