Playlist: 2016-04-15

Doug the Canuck hosted the show.

4:31Funeral ProcessionPropagandhiSupporting CasteSmallman
4:34Patience for a DayEvery New DayEvery New Day
4:42Moon and StarsThe RipperzYou Are the MoonNewform
4:49Out of LuckThe Pointed SticksWaiting for the Real ThingSudden Death
4:52ObviousVancougarCanadian TuxedoMint
4:55I UnderstandSloanNever Hear the End of ItYep Roc
5:06I'm the OceanNeil YoungMirror BallReprise
5:13Grampa CarlThe Warped 45sMatador SunsetPheromone
5:17SincerelyPorticoProgeny BluesCopperspine
5:26Footsteps In SandThe StanfieldsVanguard of the Young & RestlessGroundswell
5:31Stand In the WaterWildlifeStrike Hard Young DiamondEasy Tiger
5:35AsideThe WeakerthansLeft and LeavingG7 Welcoming Committee
5:39My Favourite ChordsThe WeakerthansLeft and LeavingG7 Welcoming Committee
5:48Mizi'sVealEmbattled HeartsSix Shooter
5:53Achilles' DesireWhitehorseThe Fate of the World Depends On This KissSix Shooter
5:58Canadian DreamAndrew VincentRotten PearKelp