Playlist: 2016-04-08

Doug the Canuck hosted the show.

4:33Lights Go UpFucked UpDavid Comes to LifeMatador
4:38We're Going DownThe CreepsLakeside CabinBlack Pint
4:41Civilian StripesDivine FitsA Thing Called Divine FitsMerge
4:49Fine Young CannibalsWolf ParadeAt Mount ZoomerSub Pop
4:55Cave-o-SapienWolf ParadeExpo 86Sub Pop
5:05Sedan DeliveryNeil YoungRust Never SleepsReprise
5:10Tear It UpThe DudesBarbers, Thieves and Bartenders
5:13Shining EyesMatt Mays & El TorpedoTerminal RomanceSonic
5:21Sister ThirteenCult BabiesCiTR Pop Alliance, Vol. 4Mint
5:24Narrow With the HallWomenPublic StrainJagjaguwar
5:28Do the Modern VersionThe ShilohsEmpress Stars
5:37Why Would You Want to Go and Do That to Me?Whitey HoustonWhitey HoustonRectangle
5:40K-StompThe Pack A.D.We Kill ComputersMint
5:43JulyPoor FormCiTR Pop Alliance, Vol. 4Mint
5:45Death at DisneylandThe SmugglersRosieMint
5:51Lucky TonightRomi MayesLucky Tonight
5:55The Z-Rays Cured My HangoverThe PerpetratorsTow Truck
5:57Stadium LoveMetricFantasiesMetric Music Intl.