Justin the Canuck spent weeks assembling today’s playlist and he’ll be live in the studio along with Simone the Canuck. We’ll be bringing five pairs of tickets to give away—one pair to see Montreal trio Seoul and four pairs for Teen Daze, out of Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Tune in today at 4:30 PM Central and call 512 472-KOOP (5667) when the giveaway begins!
In addition to the ticket giveaways, we’ll talk about the winner of this year’s Polaris Music Prize, and also delight your ears with tracks by Bass Lions, Boys Who Say No, Foxes In Fiction, From East to Exit, Glass Random, Immaculate Machine, Memoryhouse, Motoko, Portico, Rah Rah, ROLEMODEL, Ruby Coast, The Liptonians, The Provincial Archive, The Zolas, V for Escargot, and Wizaard.
Of course, the best way to get your Canadian indie fix is to listen live at 4:30 PM Central on 91.7 FM in Austin or online, worldwide, at KOOP.org. But, if you can’t, don’t forget that you can now stream our show on your own schedule via SoundCloud. Today’s episode should be available by the end of the weekend and will remain so for about a week. See the sidebar for details.