Playlist: 2015-02-27

Doug the Canuck kicked off KOOP’s spring membership drive with a show full of Canadian cover songs.

4:33The Hockey SongHanson BrothersSudden DeathVirgin
4:36SubdivisionsPS I Love YouFigure It OutPaper Bag
4:42Pump It UpDanko JonesB-SidesBad Taste
4:51Spotty FaceThomas D'ArcyBad Habits
4:55That's AllZeusCover MeArts & Crafts
5:00Baby, What You Want Me to Do?Neil YoungBroken ArrowReprise
5:08The SuburbsCuff the DukeCBC R2 Sessions
5:17RevolutionD.O.A.We Come In PeaceSudden Death
5:20Rip It UpBlack Pistol FireShut Up: A Tribute to Little RichardRifle Bird
5:22My ChinchillaTough AgeHot HerosMint
5:23Nineteen Hundred and Eighty FiveThe Golden DogsBig Eye Little EyeTrue North
5:35Games Without FrontiersArcade FireAnd I'll Scratch YoursReal World
5:38The LovecatsLuke Doucet and the White FalconBlood's Too RichSix Shooter
5:43Gimme SympathyElliott BroodSinglePaper Bag
5:52SabotageCancer BatsBears, Mayors, Scraps & BonesDistort
5:58The Times They Are a-Changin'D.O.A.Talk-Action=0Sudden Death