Playlist: 2015-02-20

Host Justin the Canuck played a show of mostly morbid tracks, starting with a listener request for Corb Lund.

4:32Dig Gravedigger DigCorb LundCabin FeverNew West
4:36When We Were YoungThe Wooden SkyIf I Don’t Come Home You’ll Know I'm GoneBlack Box
4:40Farewell, God Bless You, GoodbyeDel BarberPrairieographyTrue North
4:43Cranley’s Gonna Make ItBroken Social SceneFeel Good LostArts & Crafts
4:44Soon EnoughConstantinesTournament of HeartsSub Pop
4:48Going SidewaysShred KellySing to the Night
4:51Your Ex-Lover Is DeadStarsSet Yourself On FireArts & Crafts
4:55Learn from MistakesI Am Robot And ProudGrace Days
4:56You Needed to KnowCTZNSHPAll Things to the Sea
5:02Demons/HeathensThe DetailsDraw a Distance. Draw a Border.Parliament of Trees
5:05Turn Me OnGay NinetiesLiberal GuiltFontana North
5:08Let’s Just Leave ItMid AtlanticThe Great War
5:10HarrietHey Rosetta!Second SightSonic
5:15Compete With Your Own GhostBalacadeMalaise Era
5:18FloodThe AcornGlory Hope MountainPaper Bag
5:23Love and MathematicsBroken Social SceneFeel Good LostArts & Crafts
5:24All Over Your FaceThomas D’ArcyFooled You TwiceMapleMusic
5:28My Friends Are the BestThomas D’ArcyFooled You TwiceMapleMusic
5:32Dead Heart Colonies (The Straggler Redux)King Cobb SteelieGoodbye Arcadia - EPStatic Clang
5:35Where Were You?MinisystemMadingleyNoise Factory
5:36Dead Dogs Love Us StillCarbon Dating ServiceCarbon Dating ServiceTeargas Recording Tree
5:39Carry Me AlongExpress and CompanyOntarioSeventh Fire
5:43Start Making SenseHot PandaHow Come I’m DeadMint
5:47Cranley’s Gonna Make ItBroken Social SceneFeel Good LostArts & Crafts
5:50The StallionDel BelDel BelMissed Connection
5:53No TalkingThe ZolasTic Toc TicLight Organ
5:56Learn from MistakesI Am Robot And ProudGrace Days
5:57No MonumentsAll of Your FriendsAll of Your Friends Are DeadThe Calm Before the Music