
Stubb's 801 Red River Street, Austin, TX, United States

Indoor show opening for: BANNERS


Our Lady Peace

Cedar Park Center 2100 Avenue of the Stars, Cedar Park, TX, United States

Opening for: LIVE Bush


Timber Timbre

Barracuda 611 E. 7th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Tegan and Sara

Paramount Theatre 713 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX, United States

Early show, Stateside at The Paramount.

Tegan and Sara

Paramount Theatre 713 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX, United States

Evening show, Stateside at The Paramount.

Kacy & Clayton

The Moody Theater 310 Willie Nelson Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States

Opening for: Ray LaMontagne


Barracuda 611 E. 7th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Opening for: Titus Andronicus



Empire Control Room & Garage 606 East 7th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Performing as part of Levitation with: Black Marble Jonathan Bree Automatic Troller


Pink Mountaintops

Elysium 705 Red River Street, Austin, TX, United States

Performing as part of Levitation with: Ryley Walker
