KOOP’s 19th Birthday Pajama Party

Spider House Ballroom 2906 Fruth Street, Austin, TX, United States

It's KOOP Radio's 19th Birthday PAJAMA PARTY featuring: Pajama Contest Birthday Cake Slumber Party Snacks Door Prizes … and musical guests: The Ugly Beats (12:30 AM) Mitch Webb & The Swindles (11:15 PM) T-Bird and The Breaks (9:30 PM) Don't

$20 – $25

Canada Day

Third Base Sports Bar (Northwest) 13301 U.S. 183, Austin, TX, United States

Canadians In Austin hosts its 13th annual Canada Day celebration, featuring maple syrup milkshakes, poutine, back bacon, and Tim Horton's coffee, plus Canadian beer specials. The singing of "O Canada" and the cake cutting will happen at around 7:00 PM.


Canadian Blast BBQ

Brush Square 409 E. 5th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Admission limited to SXSW badge holders. Featuring: Ben Caplan and the Casual Smokers (Halifax) July Talk (Toronto) The Bros. Landreth (Winnipeg) The Franklin Electric (Montreal) The Wet Secrets Yukon Blonde (Vancouver)

KOOP’s 20th Birthday Bash

The North Door 502 Brushy Street, Austin, TX, United States

KOOP Radio 91.7 FM celebrates 20 years of community radio on Thursday, April 2, at The North Door with sets by hip-hop soul healers Riders Against the Storm and Latin psych-funk headliners Brownout. Heavy hitters from KOOP's roster will spin

$20 – $25

KOOP’s 21st Birthday Party

Ground Floor Theatre 979 Springdale Road, Austin, TX, United States

Join KOOP Radio as we celebrate our 21st birthday! We'll have local beer, wine, and spirits tastings along with live music by Broken Gold and the emo puppet band Fragile Rock. Plus, custom pressed T-shirts by Fine Southern Gentlemen, a


Canadian Blast BBQ

Brush Square 409 E. 5th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Admission limited to SXSW badge holders. Featuring: The Zolas (2:00 PM) Terra Lightfoot (2:40 PM) The Lytics (3:20 PM) Royal Canoe (4:00 PM) Milk & Bone (4:40 PM) Arkells (5:20 PM)

Tough Age

Barracuda 611 E. 7th Street, Austin, TX, United States

Slack Capital release party with special guest David Liebe Hart and: Big Bill Annabelle Chairlegs Basketball Shorts ¿Que pasa? Sailor Poon Pollen Rx Pataphysics Critical Dad


Canada Day (South)

Waterloo Ice House 9600 Escarpment Blvd., Austin, TX, United States